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Subject: Re: MS-DOS Kermit, more incapabalities
From: cangel@famvid.com
Message-ID: <f%jo4.34755$ox5.8507785@tw11.nn.bcandid.com>
Organization: bCandid - Powering the world's discussions - http://bCandid.com
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 20:21:34 GMT
To: kermit.misc@columbia.edu
On 2000-02-09 manning@execpc.com said:
SM>>SM> Obviously the plans being discussed in the post you quoted were
SM>>SM> plans for the past.
SM>> Kermit = The Past IMO
SM> Well being such an avid practitioner of revisionist history, no
SM> wonder you spend such a large amount of time here - you get to keep
SM> your skills in top shape.
No I'm here because I'm fascinated by those who are paid to do nothing.
SM>> Your an entrepeneur! Are you a slicer AND a dicer?!
SM> Uh... no... too busy payin' my bills and being a dad.
Ah. How many times? I have 6 and 13 grandchildren.
SM>>SM> What else do you plan for *but* the future??
SM>> A `Gumpism'?
SM> Can anyone find Chuck's point? It seems to have gotten itself lost
SM> amidst all the weak attempts to deflect my criticism of Michel's
SM> post.
You have to admit it _looks_ like a `Gumpism'.
SM>>SM> C'mon Michel... cut it out... you're killing us out here!!
SM>> I told the Kaptain Kermit boys they could be nice, they ignored me,
SM>> now Michel is angry.
SM> So that excuses the howling misstatements and (deliberate?)
SM> obtuseness of his post?
You reap what you sow?
SM>> BTW: Do we need to know your job title or does it tickle your
SM>> scrotum to see it in print?
SM> So to sum up here we see Charles:
SM> - slamming kermit as being outdated (but yet somehow still of use to
SM> Charles, or else why do we have to put up with his continued
SM> harangues?)
I also use `legacy' hardware.
SM> - mis-labeling me as an entrepreneur
SM> - slamming entrepreneurs
I apologize to the _real_ entrenpreneurs and their bankers.
SM> - trying to obliquely paint me as a "Forrest Gump" philosopher (I
SM> surmise)
Could be worse, you could be a Moonie.
SM> - excusing Michel's laughable post which attempted to replace reason
SM> with volume as being attributable to Michel's outrage at the
SM> Columbia folks' shabby treatment of Charles (no ego here... nope,
SM> nuh uh)
You misunderstood what I said. Their treatment of Michel was shabby and
I asked them to be nicer to Michel, not me. I could see they would never
consider being anything but Kaptain Kermit when I asked a question.
SM> - trying to get my goat by criticizing me for ... having an
SM> automatic signature in my news poster (not to mention attempting to
SM> elicit a reaction by referring to my "naughty bits")
Obviously I was wrong since you didn't use it this time. It must've
been a glitch in your software. 9)
SM> All I did was point out that Michel tried to make a distinction
SM> between a "plan" and a "future plan" (excuse me... a "FUTURE PLAN"),
SM> which is rather preposterous.
By rewording it as a `Gumpism' ... I see.
SM> You have to wonder what his real reason for posting was, because
SM> what we *don't* see is some sort of refutation of my post's point.
You're probably wrong about that ... (as the clouds roll in)
SM> All foam, no beer.
You're probably wrong about that ... (as more clouds roll in)
SM> Steve
SM> nothing else (OMG Charles! It worked! You affected change!)
Isn't it nice to leave the dizzying heights and join us here on terra
firma? Now you're `Steve' - one of the guys just like the rest of us.